Never Have I Ever, a south Asian based and inspired Netflix show in 2020 in Hollywood, is fresh take on the coming-of-age comedy. A show created and reflects the south Asian perspective and is full of moments that many south Asians, especially women have been able to relate to. One of the key creators behind this show is Mindy Kaling, an American of south Asian descent who has been praised from being representation to south Asians in the Hollywood industry. Furthermore Never Have I Ever has played an important part in changing how the south Asian community is stereotyped and perceived, but most importantly from an authentic and genuine perspective and experience of actors and producers, who are also of south Asian ethnicity and heritage. Additionally seeing a south Asian woman play a successful dermatologist as well as a single mother in Never Have I Ever, tackles the stereotype of men being the ‘breadwinner’ and women being the ‘housewife’ that is believed by the south Asian community.
Something that I also love about the show, besides it’s quirky storyline, is that it features some south Asian dark skinned actors as the main cast, without I believe a sense of tokenism and racial stereotypes, something that is rare within westernised media. Never Have I Ever contributes towards changing the stigma surrounding dark skinned people not being consider beautiful, by mainly casting south Asians of dark skin; which is something that you do not see in films about and showcasing south Asian culture. Even films featured and produced by the Bollywood industry, something that has a big impact on the south Asian community. However the show itself and the storylines within it are a fun and and relatable take on south Asian women of dual identities - south Asian and westernised.
I know that there has been some controversy about the show as some believe there are stereotypes, such as the need to put on an exaggerating Indian accent, which is complete plausible - for me I see it as Kaling really trying to reflect and represent what her childhood was like (even to this day my parents still have their Tamil accent despite living in London for more than 20 years). I'm excited to see what the second season brings.
Imagery credit to creators and producers of Never Have I Ever.
Math x